Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fruity Tea and Tasty Waffles - Teatime in Taipei

I'm going to start making this when I get back home... except we don't have the same variety of fruits, or the same freshness, or the unforgettable bursts of flavor. Well, at least I can find Lipton tea bags. Sigh.

I don't know how to convey just how delicious all the beverages are over here. I want this pot of tea every morning, every afternoon, and every night - everyday! The longer this steeped, the fruitier it got, and it was just perfectly sweet.

This is a pot of rose and berry tea served with a little shot of cranberry concentrate. I like the pink teacup. Pink is good.

So delightful! This tea had a very smooth and delicate rose flavor and the cranberry added a nice touch of tartness.

Waffles with red bean, whipped cream topped with a chewy fruity thing, and green tea ice cream. Super yum.

Waffles with tuna, spicy relish, cucumbers, mayo and green tomatoes. Delish.

1 comment:

  1. ok. i spent all last night sleep-thinking about delish taiwanese beverages. how could i recreate them at home in this grocery wasteland of one of the richest countries in the world that i live in? how do i make gellies? how much watermelon mash to put in bottom of cups? so i came up with: i need a tai recipe book, & will go to WFoods..& also should explore chinatown here for ingredients..?
