Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mad Tea Dinner - Too Yummy for Words

Deep-fried soft tofu with spicy garlic and tea dipping sauce.

Braised pork with bok choy marinated in tea. The meat was so tender it was falling apart underneath that rind of skin.

Whole shrimp cooked in a light broth with tea leaves.

Green tea noodles pan-fried with cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, green onions and pork in a black tea sauce.

Fighting coq soup made with tea oil. The broth was unbelievable.

The spread.

Giant stuffed tea moshi video\

The owner of this restaurant is a former tea-planter and has spent many years perfecting his recipes to fully enhance the flavors of each dish with tea. The Taiwanese are so progressive when it comes to food and healthy living. Yup, they're waaay ahead of the rest of the world. Man, I'm gonna miss all the good eating here.

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